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About Us


Your Multilingual Lifestyle Network

In 2017 a group of four friends wanted to sip beers while practicing Spanish at a local pub. Fast forward seven years to a community of 10,000+ language lovers who want to hang out while speaking their languages of choice at cool venues around town.


We have lovingly built a model where everyone is welcome and every language has a table. Current language learning apps fail to address our need to use language to communicate with people in fun casual environments. We have unlocked an international community of cool people who want to spend their social hours meeting new friends from all walks of life while speaking the languages they already know or are currently learning.


INT'L CAFE Members

We know it's tough to find ways to immerse in a language other than the dominant one in your city. As an INT'L CAFE member you tap into a network of cool people in your community who speak your languages of choice. With our Pay What Your Want model you can always find a seat at the table. All we ask is that you chip in when you can to insure there is always a language immersion event around the corner.


Language Cafe/Intercambio Organizers 

Running a Language Cafe is hard work! We know how much fun it can be to gather a community of super cool multilinguals for regular language exchange, but it can be time consuming finding venues, and costly gathering supplies. INT'L CAFE was built for you (well, for us since we were once suffering in your shoes, ha)! You now have access to all the tools you need to host an inclusive, engaging int'l language event. 


INT'L CAFE Host Venues

Do you run a large hip venue in a fun loving city? Are you looking to fill it with cool clientele who want nothing more than to drink your potables and chat with one another for hours on end? You should open your doors to regular INT'L. CAFE events! We have everything you need to get you off and running with your very own language immersion event series that will 10x that slow day on your weekly calendar.


Language Content Creators

We love what you are doing! Your social media posts are giving our multilingual aspirations life and your generous sharing of personal cultural insights is enlightening. We want to celebrate all that you do while connecting you with a community of language learners who appreciate all of your teachings. Connect with us to set up your next fun collab!

Let’s Chat!

Get in touch so we can find the best way for INT'L CAFE to serve your needs.

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How do you want get involved?

Thanks for connecting with us!

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